Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Riddle: What happens when you put two artists in an art museum?

Answer: You not only spend over four and a half hours in the museum but you also look at, discuss, and create art in the process.
The art museum is the amusement park of artists and yesterday I went to one of my favorite local amusement parks in San Francisco, with my artist friend Justin Buellthe Museum of Modern Art (better known as the SF MoMA). I think I have finally found my art viewing soulmate in California. We had way too much fun and it was wholesome geeky art goodness. These are the images that document our adventure:

La Négresse blonde - Constantin Brancusi

Photographing the shadows of sculptures

Lichtenstein through Lichtenstein

My favorite (newly discovered) art pieces (trust me it was hard to narrow this down):

Ten, A - Richard Tuttle

Untitled - Barry McGee

Museum Views

Photos I took of a couple Watching a film:

Watching a film through my hand


Ghosts of artists

Man mimicking nature

The view from the MoMA
Where's Waldo?

Post museum relaxation at Dolores Park...
But creative minds never stop

1 comment:

  1. Such Great Photos. Really Really Love Man Mimicking nature. That turned out so well!! The shadows of sculpture series turned out awesome well =)


I need to travel!