The view from the shore of Rivas

The dock on the island

The ferry we rode on

The busses to take you around the island (we had a truck we brought on the ferry).

My Tio David hold a parrot at the restaurant we ate at.

My Tio Daniel and my Dad holding parrots.

One of the many small churches located on the island.


The room we stayed in that night.


On the shore...this lake has small waves.

Concepción again.

Maderas hiding behind a cloud


Yasmin and my niece Anita running!

Concepción once more


My uncles and fathers watching some boys play soccer on the beach.

Yes, I am the nerd that did that...
See what I mean? Wouldn't you agree that Ometepe is the Garden of Eden?
Lovely shots! I didn't know your daughter traveled with you; I must've missed that.... I love the clarity!