Sunday, March 22, 2009

My attempt at a Haiku

Floating orange leaf

fragile little universe

together we dream.

-March 3, 2009

I am currently taking a Poetry Seminar and one of the assignments was to write a Haiku. I have to say I never knew that I would like writing them. Haikus are simple, yet, they can paint the most picturesque images with a few words.

I know I have been negligent to my blog but I promise there will be much more to share very soon! I now have more time to dedicate to art so I will be posting my work as I go along.


  1. I love Haiku!! I really do. I have a penpal in Ohio who sends me a Haiku written on the back of each envelope. I look forward to every letter from him. :)

  2. Beautiful imagery! I am a new lover of the haiku as well. Keep sharing....

  3. Hi Mariana:
    I appreciate your visit. Not proficient in English.
    We will write Haikus in April, I hope to do it so well like you.


I need to travel!